Wednesday, June 11, 2014

LWM: Overpronation

Learn With Me: Overpronation

The other day I actually went to buy some of those overpriced running shoes (30% off and $20 back, I have a frugal streak.)

There was a discussion about whether I overpronated when I walked or ran.

And I couldn't say it. I kept trying to say it and my mind insisted from experience I was talking about over-protonation.

The hazards of working in a chemistry department.

To make it worse the opposite is supination. Which of course sounds very similar to sublimation.

So, what is all of this about?

It's about how your foot rolls, if it rolls too far towards the other foot, it is overpronated. This can lead to pain all the way up your leg. Supination, mentioned earlier, is where your foot rolls too far to the outside away from your other foot. Similarly this can cause pain.

Finishing Thoughts

This reminds me of a time when I was confused about why it was important that workers were not ionized. They were Unionized.

Do you have any times when your own knowledge of specialized terminology left you confused at an otherwise unremarkable sentence?

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